Crabs..Crabs Everywhere

sooo good!


So i was at the beach with my family & my gf this weekend. One morning i went for a jog & a sand crab was scurrying across my path. I adjusted to keep from squishing him but he continued to move rapidly away. All the sudden a seagull swooped down to grab it. Without hesitation i kicked the seagull & saved the life of said crab. Idk why i did that but it got me thinking.

How many of us are like that crab; running from what we think is a threat while remaining oblivious to the true threat?
God wants us to stay on the path we are going but, like the crab, we tend to deviate from the path He has before us. Instead of trusting Him we try to save ourselves. God will remove or use the threat. I was the crabs threat but God used…

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